Acute and Chronic Sinusitis/Sinus Infections


Effective treatment of acute sinusitis and chronic or recurrent sinusitis requires accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause. If the cause is allergy related, allergy testing is necessary to formulate the right treatment. If an infection is present, then antibiotics are required. If there is swelling or obstruction in the sinus openings diagnosed by either rhinolaryngoscopy in our office or CT scan, surgery may be required.

Inhalant allergies (environmental) are the most common cause of chronic sinus symptoms. Allergy to inhaled substances such as pollens, molds, animal dander, and dust mites cause inflammation of the nasal passages. Swelling, congestion, and excessive mucus secretion block drainage of sinuses, causing symptoms such as headache, sinus pressure, post nasal drip, and facial pain. Secretions in the blocked sinuses get infected, resulting in recurrent or chronic sinusitis, needing antibiotic treatment.

Patients diagnosed with chronic or recurrent sinusitis must be evaluated for allergies. Allergy skin tests for inhaled allergens will help identify the offending agent or agents. If medications and allergen avoidance do not help, allergy desensitization by allergy injections or oral allergy drops (SLIT) are then necessary to control and treat the disease.

If a patient has asthma symptoms that are exacerbated or paired with their sinus symptoms, appropriate pulmonary evaluation will be performed. Sinus disease must be well controlled to prevent further progression of asthma. This global approach of treating all these related conditions yields excellent results and better quality of life.

Give us a call at (650) 368-8807


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